Some morning turtle wisdom

Today we are heading to Malaka Cove to snorkel again via a store called Ku’au to grab some breakfast. On the drive to Ku’au, we see Jaws surf beach to the right and the view is staggering. When we get to Ku’au store, the shop is full of delicious unusual Hawaiian offerings. I choose a Protein Warrior shake with macademia, hemp (on a slight side note, cannabis is part of Maui culture and most people smoke it, we are told), flax, vanilla, coconut, banana, and the taste is so scrummy. We take a walk with our bits to try to find a beach. We walked through some fine housing estates and kept accidentally going up peoples drive ways, and reaching dead ends. We saw ahead that it said private property and appeared to be another dead end. We walked up to it, and Leon spotted a little jitty way no more than half a metre with walls either side, but at the end, we could spy the undeniable turquoise of the sea! We hurriedly scoot across the flat sandy black volcanic rocks past a sea turtle sanctuary in a very grand houses back garden, onto the secluded bay that is sheltered by a line of helpfully positioned large rocks. The comparison of the water in the bay being flat, rippling pale clear blue, and the crashing dark blue and white wash of the sea beyond the stone shelf is quite remarkable. As I am gazing across the ripples, a turtle pops his head up out of the shallows and I shriek with delight. While walking back through the narrow walkway, I have another little Cat epiphany.

Sometimes the best places are than extra 5 minutes push further than you think you can go. Find that extra 10%. And you find the treasures of the World than most will miss.

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