House sitting in general

I type this blog while surrounded by four sleepy cats while their owner is saving lives in a far away country.

The thing about house-sitting is you get to gain an insight into other lives, learning along the way. Since selling our house in August 2017 and moving from place to place we have learnt a great deal. The thing that is most prominent in my mind is how much I appreciate quiet, which if you know me and my musical tastes may come across as slightly strange!. Having lived in the town centre of Northampton for the majority of the last 15 years it is incredible how inclusive people are in the rural communities, we have a lovely pub across the road which I’m doing my best not to go to at the moment !

It has been a very strange two months though, the majority of our possessions are in a garage in a secret location (:-)), I do miss the musical instruments and recording gear but very little else, it really is quite incredible how much stuff you have but don’t need. We have decided that if/when we buy another property we shall not have a TV in the living room (this was influenced by the fantastic experience in Woodend, thanks Samantha & Simon) – the amount of extra time you have instead of in front of a soulless box is quite remarkable.

It’s now a few days until we set off, I’m going to do my best to get the extra functionality of this site sorted (Cat’s request, nothing’s out of scope hehe) and styling of course..

Photo of the cats on the bed in the dark
Photo of the cats on the bed in the dark

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