Country Life & kitties

How relaxing it is to have a cosy, quiet house in a cosy, quiet village. An atmosphere of total relaxation, with the sudden realisation that we are going from Paulerspury in 3 nights time! Gone so quickly but my o my, have we enjoyed it! These 4 little furry felines have definitely found a place in our hearts, and I shall miss being woken by the deep, soul satisfying purr, and kitty cuddles, even though sometimes the claws are a bit sharp!
I had a lovely day with my beloved Aunty Moo today in Stony, checking out the charity shops and had a lovely mocha in Cherry Lane garden centre. I found a lightweight pair of travelling trousers and a cosy blanket scarfs thing for when we come back and need some warmth! I discovered muted lilacy- pink suits me. Every day is a school day.
My work colleagues keep continuing to astound me by how well they are all learning new skills, and supporting one another. It’s prob the closest to a proud Mum feeling I have ever experienced… especially My little bro John, teaching Corrine and Samantha how to focimeter… my heart was glowing golden with pride of them all! I am now really confident they will be fine without me for 2 months and hope they don’t get too used to it, and won’t forget me hehe!
We are going to meet a few friends tonight, that can’t make it out of the town before we go, so Lumbertubs pub will be graced with our presence and we shall see Emlyn & Michelle Binks (possibly her hubby and daughter too).
I leave you with a photo of Ziva diva all blissed out with having her head scratched!
Cat xx

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