The night calls….

Well I fell asleep at 3pm and just woke up (3am)! Epic! Must have needed it.
I desperately need to brush my teeth. (Done now, thank goodness)
I wake Leon and he can’t find his phone. I suggest it could be on the open veranda outside our door…
He opens the door and we are greeted with blackness. The sounds of the night are deafening. I can only compare to what sounds like a thousand grasshoppers mixed with unknown birdcall. As Leon shines the light from my phone onto the table to search, he has clearly woken some sort of animal. Could be a large monkey growling or a boar. Leon CONTINUES and steps outside leaving me feeling quite vulnerable in the bed, eyes wide staring into the darkness, thoughts of animals running at me (like the monkey that tried to get in the car at Woburn safari recently- yes I am scarred from the incident).
Leon nips back in, and we are now discussing what it could have been. A leopard? A macaque? A slender loris?
I have suggested opening the door and recording it, and sending to Matt Farmer, who is the greatest expert on animals I know. But Leon won’t let me. I guess his imagination has now caught up with mine!

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