A turtle’s tail

After jumping in a Tuk Tuk back towards Unawatuna, the driver suggests stopping at a turtle conservation! We both looked at each other and knew we had to go look.
A mere 500 lrk (£2.50) entry each and we had our own guide to explain each turtle to us, and he was very knowledgable. I will save the detail on the weight, lengths, and breeding, as I’m sure that Wikipedia will help if anyone has a burning desire,
The part that I learnt the most, was from the adult injured turtles that would never be released. They had missing eyes and fins, meaning they either can’t dig holes to breed, or simply swim in circles. They also just float and can’t go under if they have missing fin, so would never survive.
The one with a piece of shell missing may be released after a few years as they can grow back but Very slowly.
Fishing nets and motorboats are the main culprit, and all human’s fault. So sad to see the injustice to these prehistoric creatures but glad some people are helping to heal th and breed them to help save extinction.
The baby ones were SO cute!! And I got to tickle a larger one! Who would have thought they would be ticklish on their shell! An ace experience.

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