
I forgot to say, last night was the most scary and magical storm. Deafening rain drumming hard onto the roof, and the low rumble of thunder. Made me think how awful it must have been for those affected by that tsunami. Mother Nature is a force to be reckoned with!
So today, we went to the shallow and wavy waters of very close to our B&B.
Leon was desperate to try surfing and I knew he would be a natural. I however, felt like a fairy elephant!
Leon managed to get stood up after the 3rd shot, but I didn’t manage to, boo! I felt a bit of a failure to my teacher. I can tell what the problem was. Confidence, balance, strength, and also the salt water was stinging my eyes and throat. I had put my contacts in and they kept twirling in my eyes making me a bit dizzy. But a bad workman blames his tools, so I have to really say it was probably me.
I have the most wonderful surf hair now on the plus side! It’s all thick with brine and tousled better than any product could manage.
I adapted Leon’s hat for him today and cut the lining out to make it thinner, and snipped the elastic to make it less restrictive. He seems pleased enough.

Leon with his instructor ‘ Blackie’

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