
I have had a fairly lazy day, but I think I needed it. I can just about put weight on my arms now so that makes me happy.
I have done lots of napping, contemplating, and meditating, with a healthy dose of nature watching too. Very grounding. (And thanks for the message of support Aunty Moo)
We agreed to cook for our Chinese host today, and chose good ole spag bol. No matter how many times I say it is spaghetti, Marco insists they are ‘Italian noodle’, so we just go with that haha!
Leon and Marco take a Tuk Tuk in the storm to the supermarket to obtain the beef (mental, both of them!), so I sit watching the palm trees some more, incense glowing, sat on my travel Neck rest on the floor. I saw a palm leave jerk in a downward motion which instantly kills my chill, so I go investigate. I will never forget seeing my first wild monkey, swing from palm to palm, tail elegantly poised behind to steady and guide his forward motion. I whip out my iPhone and manage to capture a bit of him, although I was so distracted watching him, the video trails off.
Dusk is now drawing in, and the videos no longer do the monkeys justice anyhow, so I just sit observing about 5 monkeys scrabbling for safety as the thunder claps overhead. I am getting a tad worried now where the guys have got to as it’s been about 60 min for a what should be a half hour journey. Again, vulnerability sets in and my imagination goes wild. I pop a few lights on and try to distract myself for a bit. I saw an odd creature run across the path (possibly a mongoose) looked a bit like an otter. It had a long, flat but conical tail. Like the little creature in fantastic beasts.
30 odd min later, never have I been so glad to see the lights of the Tuk Tuk peer round the corner, bobbing over the rough and now wet ground. Phew!
We make the food, mosquitos annoying me profusely, diving into my face, just as I have a spatula full of sauce. The little byggers!
After we eat, I happily note Marco seems to enjoy the food. He eats with chopsticks and from his lil metal bowl still, and says they have a similar dish in China but with egg too.
I hope all the friends and family are all ok, and it’s very odd being so far away, yet still so very attached.
We are hoping to go to jungle beach tomorrow, and our Tuk Tuk friend is asking his taxi driving friend if he am do us a good deal on a ride to Yala National Park!

This evening’s photo shows a view from the veranda where I have been waiting for Leon and Marco to return. I am overlooking luscious green palm trees, various tropical foliage and dusk is beginning to fall giving a certain mystical quality to the atmosphere. At the end of the ochre dirt track, 2 little star bursts of abberated fire-yellow headlights can be seen which are that of the returning Tuk Tuk.

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