Lucky Tuna

Firstly, happy birthday to Auntie Freda, hope you are having a marvo day!
We started the day with a Chinese style breakfast again: super salty sausages, fried omelette style egg, and tomatoes with SUGAR on!
Leon has been coughing all night so we are both a bit sleepy. We head for a beach day at Unawatuna. We found a place called Lucky Tuna & sent a photo to Mr Keyes (Paul Bytheway) and all is working out well. Some guy that seemed nice was trying to show us all the rings he had made and then got a bit narky when I didn’t want to buy. I found a local cat to feed a little morsel if my tuna sandwich to (not so lucky tuna!) and offer him a bowl of water, which he laps up thankfully. The animals here seem very skinny and unloved, except the lolloping great cows in the roads!
Another chap is offering a tour of the island which we are going to have a think about overnight. He was not pushy and we have come back to the apartment (4pm) to compare prices. I had a lovely chat with Kiki and she has given me some mozzy tips. We have now been cut off as the internet went down in time for the mother of all storms. The insects hush, the birds disappear, the distant traffic honking comes to a still…and drop by drop the monsoon begins. The rain thrashes down, laying on the surface of the dry grounds. The sky is grey and ominous. The lightening illuminates Leon’s face beautifully capturing the horror and panic in his face, as the loudest CLAP and CRASH and CRACKLE of thunder billows around us, sounds echoing in the wind. I love it and squeal like an excited school child, filming a little of it, while leon is half way down the stairs ready to take cover, crocs at the ready, telling me plastic shoes will help if we get hit. I really can’t even begin to think of that, I just want to watch, listen and absorb this natural phenomenon that is causing such havoc and wonder. The air has an unfamiliar wind chill, and the humidity is cut through.
The storm is now distantly rumbling and one by one, each of the insects, birds, animals, and vehicles, sound their familiar noises.
So the power has now been cut for a few hours and I have been through my Disney repertoire. Just as I am about to launch into ‘the circle of life’ on comes the power again! Yay!

Leon pointing at a sign for ‘Lucky Tuna’ boutique hotel and bar on Unawatuna beach. He has sunglasses and a hat on, and is mouthing the word ‘tuna’.

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