Naaaah maste

The day started with a trip to our breakfast snack bar, sahana. It’s so stupidly cheap. The one place we found that doesn’t increase the price for tourists. 30rupee for a veg roti (200rupee to the £1!)
We then took a walk around the coast to another fort with a beautiful vantage point,, steeped in history from the Portuguese claiming, then Dutch, then UK.
We then took another stroll to the surfing beach, and Leon just rented a board. They offered him a rash vest, which he regretted to decline, thinking they were protection from the sun. He learnt the hard way the surf boards can cause friction burns on your torso skin. Ouch! So he came back and grabbed a rash vest. I thought it looked pretty slinky on actually 😉
I had a little sing to myself in the shade (I went for ‘my heart will go on’ bahahaha!), while Leon tried to catch a wave.
When we got back to the apartment, Leon was about to shower and I was horrified to see his upper forehead/ hairline looked like a crackle glazed, world map! Why o why that boy will not wear sun protection. After the shower, it peeled a bit and looked like bogies in his hair. Not the attractive surfer dude look he had going on earlier. Always wear sunscreen!! Remember the song?
He will end up like an old leather boot!
We had a chilled yoga sesh together on the veranda (I wish I had my yoga mat!)
Another late afternoon storm crept in, and I saw some smoke coming from between the trees! I was hoping a bolt of lightening had hit the Earth, like in ‘the Notebook’ (I think, or could be sweet home Alabama), and we could go and find the precious stone made in the ground, all romantic and that. Nope, Captain Sensible told me we are made mostly of salt which is a great conductor of electricity and are likely to be struck by lightening (??? Really ???)
So my dream was shattered hahaha! And we settled for a nice cuppa tea watching the monkeys squabble.
I had a great tip off from my friend Jay, to listen to a podcast, that reminded him of my point on Namaste. It’s by ‘the Allusionist’ (yes, with an ‘A’) and is episode 55, named Namaste. A must to listen to for anyone who ever uses/ used it, for sure.
The TLDR on it, is massively inappropriate to use in a yoga lesson. But find the time to listen if you want a bit of history and a brief lexicology lesson on it.
Photo description;
Leon in a red rash top carrying the most beat up yellow surf board with tape on, walking into the sea, the Sun is in the sky (where it usually is!)

Picture is screenshot of the Allusionist 55: Namaste podcast
Leon walking towards the sea with large yellow surfboard leashed to his ankle. He has grey and white floral swim shorts, and a tight wet red rash vest on, his muscular calf gleaming in the sun.

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