Yesterday & Yala Pt 1

We had a real long drive from Unawatuna, along the coast to Tissa yesterday. Our Shanghai friend’s driver, Wasi, is our tour guide for the remaining time in Sri Lanka. I slept a lot on the way, but we did stop off the see Sri Lanka’s only know. Blowhole. It consists of two sheer rock faces, a few metres apart, and at the bottom, a cave. The cave fills with sea water, and when a big wave comes in, it forces the water up creating a massive spray of water that is resembling a whales blow hole!

Leon & I in front of Sri Lanka’s blow hole

Wasi stopped by the side of the road and bought us some curd and honey! Wow it was incredible! Made from buffalo milk. It looked like creme brûlée.When we arrived at our villa, which is owned by Wasi’s mate, we were really pleasantly surprised. As we had a budget of £20 a night, we were expecting a hotel of sorts, but it was a bit airy A/C’d room complete with an outside area, large bathroom, pool, and mosquito nets over 4 poster bed. And the bed is soooo comfy!
We ordered traditional Sri Lankan curry for the evening. Must be one of the best meals I have eaten. Tasty, hot, creamy. Homemade strips of pappadum and a delicious mango chutney (reminded me of a warm marmalade, with a kick of chilli).
Lentil dhal, veg curry, fish curry, coconut sanpool, some greens (in the curry soup style sauce) … we were fuuuuuulll! Oh yeah and 2 massive platters of rice.

This morning, we set off for Yala National Park at the unholy hour of 5am. It is a bit rainy. We have a massive high jeep that I skilfully clambered into (Leon was impressed!) and their are no sidewalls to the passenger part. Well this isn’t like in the UK! We are going to a park with the most amount of leopards known in the world. Urmmmm!!!
So after a cup of sweet tea, we head into the park. Bam! We are hit with the animals straight away! A colossal Elephant is in Road! And we stop so close it could have touched me with its trunk should he have tried. Phew! That was exhilarating and very odd. It’s still twilight and fairly dark. After a bit more jolting along some twisty roads, we stop among a jar of jeeps (I guess that is the collective noun!) and our driver exits to go get our tickets. We are left in said open jeep and just hope the leopards aren’t hungry for any long pig this morning! See you on the other side!

Me in the jeep with tea

Today taught me: If you know what you are looking for, it is easier to find it.

A dark morning sky, with no detail

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