People annoy me…

TLDR : after half a bottle Sri Lanka’s finest ‘whiskey’ Leon tells it how it is , and maybe, just maybe, would be best in solitary confinement 🙂

We arrived in Kandy and our first little expedition was to a Traditional Culture Dance Event.

It was an interesting event with heavily syncopated (I can’t figure a time signature to fit 4/37?) drums and kooky dancing , it was cool thing somewhat tainted by people.

People annoy me, maybe I’m socially inept, maybe I struggle to emphasize with their idiotic ways, maybe I’m naturally reclusive, who knows

So what I’m referring to is people filming live events. I can understand to a degree however I spent half the show watching through some silly woman’s phone screen (picture included). Why oh why has this become a thing, I’ve got fed up at rock gigs of the same, my take on it is if what you are watching is truly amazing, it’s already on YouTube, watch that instead.

People are so fixated on capturing the moment that they are unable to be fully emersed and to enjoy the moment. Also! Using a flash when your subject is over 50 feet away is futile and quite frankly annoying AF! Even worse is people checking their recording while the performance is still happening. Seriously I do feel that phones should be switched off or left at the door , everywhere.

On another note the gap-yar types aren’t so bad , we’ve had nice conversations with many , I still can’t quite figure out why they need those ridiculous big backpacks (unless they’re camping like Howard and I did).

There was originally a picture showing ‘some silly cow that’s filming the whole dance show, obstructing the view of the three rows behind her. How ignorant !’ here, but I can’t find it! So instead, enjoy a photo we got by Leon standing up and getting a quick shot.

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