
After the tea factory, we were taken to a cultural dance display in Kandy. The whirling, and flipping, and colourful outfits were a fab entertainment, although you will see from Leon’s ‘ people annoy me’ blog, their were some annoyances with other people’s etiquette and camera use.
That evening, we were yet again, treated to another great Sri Lankan meal, of a variety on their national dish of rice and curry, followed by curd and coconut syrup honey stuff.
Sudat, the house owner, explained that Wasi said we are special guests, and as our last evening together, cracked open a bottle of Sri Lankan ‘whiskey’ (coconut Arawak) called ‘Extra Special’, which we drank with water. Really tasty!

Leon has woken up really poorly with stomach cramps. Ouch! I feel utterly useless, not able to help or do anything.
We had some fresh ‘hoppers’ (an fluffy pancake type) made for us by Sudat’s talented Wife, of whom I never got to meet or thank. Some were savoury with eggs fried in them, and others were to be buttered & marmaladed. All topped off by a mountain of fresh fruit!
So after wishing Daddy Ann happy 60th via email, Wasi took us to Negombo for the day so Leon could try to recover before the flight tomorrow. Eek!
This place doesn’t speak English so well, and didn’t seem to want to either (fair enough, I guess, but it’s harder to order stuff). We met a Czech couple at the lobby, who also didn’t speak much English. However, they spoke German! Yes! Another chance for me to practice. We discovered they had a motorbike accident from the slippery rain, at the tea plantation yesterday. The poor lady was close to tears, and looked like a possible fractured knee and rib, and a cut up hand too. She explained the hospital was not very useful, and hadn’t X-ray or bandaged her up, just given penicillin! This kind of made me worry a bit, as Leon is looking sicker by the minute and thinks he may have malaria (?). I certainly do not want him to have to use the hospital if possible.
We go up to our room about 2pm, and have a doze to see if this helps. At 4pm, I’m getting hungry, as nothing since 8.30am apart from a glass of juice. So we venture out to see if we can find me a bite to eat, and some water. I spotted an inviting looking hotel/ restaurant. I picked veg chop suey & rice, and the elderly reception man, phoned a take away, and then scooted off on his push bike to collect it!! Well I have never been to a restaurant like this, but ok!
So we sit and wait for about 15 min, and he comes back with a box in his bike basket. He presents the box on a plate to me with some cutlery, and he looks at me anxiously, explaining he doesn’t have much experience in this food and hopes it is ok. He is also confused that it is all for me, so I quickly explain Leon has tummy
pain. Next thing, he is hovering a hand over poor Leon’s stomach, who looks like death warmed up, all sunken eyed & very lethargic, and tells us he is heeling him through Johari power, or something. The man is very sweet, and calls his friends who also practice this energy heeling, and ask them to all send heeling to Leon. Leon meanwhile, looks awkward AF, but can’t muster the energy to even try to look like he is ‘receiving’ the energy. I eat up as quickly as I can, and the old chap proclaims Leon as ‘cured from his disease.’ I still don’t feel all that well either, with a banging head, but I just try to tough through it to try to get Leon back to the hotel. He has now curled up in bed, groaning periodically. Urgh, I wish I could be more use!

The apartment has a white Christmas tree & I was trying to take a photo with it & caught Leon trying to hit me! (Not really, just mid way to itching his nose)

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