
I don’t know how tall I am, 6’1 and a bit ? As a lanky person flying sometimes brings with it challenges.

Our first flight in this expedition was in an extra legroom section of the cattle class of a Jet Airways 747. The legroom was in such abundance that my Yoga teacher friend that was sat next to me was able to do yoga at 37,000 feet, that’s pretty cool right? The only issue with these extra legroom seats is that arms are rigid which makes the width a bit of an issue. The 747 was is definitely a spacious plane.

One thing I don’t think we’ve mentioned about the flight to Mumbai that WW3 has started before the plane had even taxi’d to the runway. I couldn’t figure out what was happening but there was shouting arms flailing and bags being thrown. The situation was calmed by 4(!) flight attendants. Our yoga friend said that every flight to India starts this way ….

The next flight (Mumbai to Sri Lanka) , I honestly don’t remember as I hadn’t slept for 36 hours… it couldn’t have been that bad 🙂 so we’ll say it was amazing to add balance to this post!

Sri Lanka to Kuala Lumpur was a very comfortable flight afforded by the fact that it must have been only 25% full. Cat and I had a whole row of the Airbus A320 which was awesome, also no one in front (so no bruised knees for me!) and even better no one behind, which means this over-courteous person could recline the chair NICE! That was my favorite flight so far!

I’m typing this blog , ready to post when we have WiFi) from the flight from Kuala Lumpur to Hanoi. I was pretty excited to get out of Kuala Lumpur, due to the combination of westernised consumerism, overzealous aesthetics and the gap yar types.

You can take an Englishman out of England but you can’t take the England out of the Englishman.

So another Leon grumble coming up.

We are sat in an Airbus A320 (I like Airbus jets, to me they always feel more spacious) row 11 which is in front of the emergency access seats which are unoccupied however our seats do not recline due to the purpose of the seats behind. Upon the planes angle of rotation reducing to I guess 5%? (any plane nerds feel free to correct me) the seat is belt lights go off and the row in front recline their chairs in unison , ouch! I always feel so awkward doing that, maybe it’s something I need to get over or maybe, it’s better to be considerate to others around you.

So I spent 20 minutes, in retaliation, being as annoying as I could (which was pretty easy owing to silly long legs) to no avail. Sigh, it’s only a 3 hour flight so I’ve decided to stand up as long as I’m allowed to. The flight attendant has told me I’m not allowed to sit in the free seats , I explain that I can’t fit in my assigned seat because the person in front is resting on my knees, and I’m very happy to stand.

I’ve always thought that it would be best if planes we standing, get strapped in , then they tilt in unison when it’s safe to so, that would be awesome, and it would increase capacity ! I’m sure there’d be some silly health n safety reason it wouldn’t be allowed…

Tons of leg room in the toilet maybe I sit there instead hahaha!

I’m listening to a band called Architects, they’re Djent-Tastic, just thinking how utterly ridiculous it would be to start a one man mosh pit at 37k feet. I’d be that guy that gets taped up into his chair , that would be blogable for sure ! Haha!

An 90 minutes into the 3hr flight. This post has been therapeutic. I just hope I set column in the SQL table take enough characters!

(Photo to be added by LPK: Leon on the plane with empty seats behind

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