Bath noodles in Vietnam

This room is the largest and swankiest, I have EVER been fortunate enough to witness. 2 queen sized beds, a proper jacuzzi bath, and see thru walls in the bathroom. All for £25 with a free breakfast, WiFi, and airport shuttle! We order egg noodles for £1 each and enjoy our ‘room for a pony’. I relax in the bath and the knots in my back are eased from the kayaking and hiking up the cave mountains. My bath forms a brown scum from my dirty feet! You just can’t clean your feet as thoroughly in a shower. I am definitely more a bath hippo than a shower girl. I have just reminded myself of the bath-noodles song, Hellen, Linds & I used to sing back in our mid-late teens!

‘Bath noodles, lots of fun, wash your food and eat your bum!’

Or something like that! Maybe was eat your food and wash your bum? Classic!

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