Cable cars & cake shakes

Singapore is much like a giant, polluted London, only less cultural diversity. They need less flashiness, and a massive dose of kindness injecting, in my humble opinion.We are determined to have a good time, just us 2 against the world. So we do something we very rarely do- block out everyone else and just go a little more insular and stop trying to politely smile at everyone. Most we have encountered have looked either disgusted or pretend we don’t exist, barging into us. We head for the cable cars to see the sights of Singapore, but with no people around us. Our old band, Eleventh Hour’s song ‘Higher’ has come into my head.
On the way to the cable cars, we stop at Vivo City, a megolagark of a shopping mall! The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Californian cafe calls to us and we cool down to some eggs Ben and some kind of frozen coffee that they mix Black Forest gateau into! I dread to think the fat content, (but shouldn’t have worried, we go ahead to walk 22000 steps)
Once fully fuelled, we find the cable cars, which proceed to launch us out of a 15th floor sky skyscraper, attached to a thick rope wire, winching is higher and higher into the Singapore skyline. Wow this is the way to see the beauty in Singapore. Green shimmering seas, peppered with cruise ships and freight ships alike. I could sea the behind the scenes to the mammoth water park, churning and chemically cleansing, families frolicking in the water shoots, blissfully unaware.
We land on the island of Sentosa, which used to be a British military base, but since we handed it back, the island has been ‘dedicated to fun’ and a touristic maze, that was like walking around an amusement park come ikea! I wonder if my Nanny & Grandad ever were based on this island in Grandad’s Navy years!

The view from the cable car across the sea between Singapore and Sentosa

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