Saturday night in Surfer’s Paradise

So we head out to the strip at Surfers Paradise at about 7.30, this place sure does have an atmosphere! Loads of people and lots of music banging out of the clubs

I have not seen anything like this (and so early) in a long time! It makes Northampton look like a ghost town , it’s crazy because the booze here is really expensive (in comparison to UK/Asian anyway)

We have a fantastic three courses at a place I think called Central, I’m sure Cat will blog that, after the food we go out for a walk and find the famous sign which we hadn’t seen till today..(pictured)… was pondering looking for a chill bar but this place is party central so we head back to the hotel..

In the Uber we found out an Aussie term ‘Bogan’ which is an uneducated person that likes to drink , can’t wait to meet one! it’s cool to be a Bogan now apparently , probably like in UK where it’s cool to be/class yourself as working class.. we’re all the same really …

Good times

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