Evandale Lake

So back in Surfers Paradise after a big sleep we had about it a chill out day, after spending so long on coaches we may change some plans slightly (to avoid coaches) it’s a lovely way to see the sights but with bad backs in can be rather tiring…

So after unsuccessfully trying to book a trip to see glow worms, we look for a fresh water swimming lake, it turns out there is one only a half hour walk away!

We set off to Evandale Lake taking inthe sights, lots of nature! We eventually get to our destination, the lake is very peaceful, just a couple of other swimmers. The water was lovely and warm and rather clear. This year the local council drained the lake as a Stonefish was spotted, again everything in Australia seems to want to kill or eat you!

We had a swim and then tried to catch the evening sun to dry down.

After a brief discussion we decide to go the long way back, on the way we see colour full tropical birds, awesome flowers and HUGE bats! It’s amazing how much wildlife was around, awesome!

We get back to the beach, you can see stars but unfortunately there’s quite a lot of light pollution , still, it was great to give these croc wearing feet a rest!

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