Croc spotting & Icecream

15.12.17 Croc spotting & Icecream
We then get dropped off to have a cruise down the daintree river to try to spot crocs. I really enjoyed this, but alas! No crocs. In the summer they don’t surface as much and can stay under water 7hr!! It is so picturesque with the wide calm murky waters of the water, and the beige spikes of mangrove tangled at the waters edge. We joke all the crocs will be waiting back on the dock for us all, smacking their chops and rubbing their bellies!
We are lucky enough to be able to stop at a local Ice cream place, that is centred in the middle of an orchard dropping with fruit! The abnormally large jack fruit look odd in the way that a branch shouldn’t be able to support such a large spiky green pear-like oddity.
Leon and I share the mixed assortment of 4 little scoops, that is all made and sourced right here! We have mango, coconut, wattleseed (Oz national flower- tastes a bit mocha like), and Black sapote (this one is brown and creamy, and alongside the coconut, has reminiscent of a bounty bar!!). I take a pot of frozen soursop for the bus ride too, as I have always wanted to try it. It’s like pear mixed with fizzy sour sweets. This is an outstanding little added extra to our tour & most appreciated in the North Queensland humidity.

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