Steve Irwin’s last place & Vietnamese food in Oz

15.12.17 Steve Irwin’s last place & Vietnamese food in Oz
We have a photo at the lookout where we can see the island close to Snapper Island where Steve Irwin lost his life to a sting day. It’s a beautiful spot, but James points out that it is a bit uncanny that the crocodile hunter should get killed right next to the ‘jaws’ of snapper island (names as it looks like the silhouetted o a croc head as it surfaces the water). This young lass was primping, preening, puckering and generally being very vain and annoying taking ‘selfie’s’. I thought to myself she may as well have just not work the shorts! They were fully pulled up her butt, laces all up each side, and shredded material! They looked grossly unhygienic and uncomfortable. Kids today eh!
As we set back off, James exclaims, ‘Alrighty then’, exactly like Jim Carrey! My point proven 😜
In the evening, some young lad asks if we want to play ‘beer pong’ for $8 each. Not really, no! We have a shower, I have a lovely refreshing Malibu & lemonade, and we head to find somewhere to eat. My feet have swollen up again, and the tops feel taut and uncomfortable, with a red speckle rash. Attractive! So we go to a local Vietnamese restaurant and have the most delicious Vietnamese food! We have a rice paper roll (that in the photo looks like the ones we made in Halong bay boat trip) but when it arrives, it is huge! The same thickness as my arm. This is starter. Thank god we only had one each. For main, leon has Laksa, which is incredibly tasty red chilli & coconut curry in a massive bowl with noodles, and I have pho, a gingery watery noodle dish. Really, really great food. Far more than we had anticipated, but it helped us drop off to sleep while the hostel was full swing drunken antics. We have another trip, first time snorkelling tomorrow! Eek! Can’t wait! But a little apprehensive, naturally

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