Great barrier – part 2

Great barrier – part 2
So the Great Barrier Reef, the main draw of Cairns. It certainly didn’t disappoint, I was so glad that Cat agreed to snorkel rather than the glass bottom boat!

It’s an amazing place, lots of fish grey, sparkly, striped and all different shapes and sizes. It was rather disconcerting when they swim towards you though! There was a cool fish sucking up the sand then spitting it out in a big cloud, I assume after having got the nutrients and food from the sand. I didn’t get to see the turtle unfortunately but did see the awesome fluorescent sting ray which was quite a sight.

I also saw an incredibly bright blue piece of coral, I had read that some of the coral reef had died, apparently it is growing back. Down in the ocean you really can see the damage that humans are doing to the planet. I’m sure that some is natural death , as Steve Irwin said (and I have taken great pleasure in quoting) ‘it’s just nature’s way’, but I’m sure that plastics, fumes from boats(like the one we used) and planes (like the ones we’ve used to get around the world) have had a part to play … global warming is an awful thing ..

Definitely an experience I won’t forget, hopefully we can see a different part of the reef tomorrow after the sea plane adventure !

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