A birthday day to remember! 21.12.17

A birthday day to remember! 21.12.17
Now, it’s the 21st in Oz so obv I’m celebrating today but it’s a bit weird as not the 21st in the UK yet so I think I get to celebrate 2 days, right? Thanks to those who have managed to figure the time difference and birthday message me, muchos love! Also, normally my birthday is the shortest of the year! And over here, it’s the longest sunniest summer solstice! Again, a bit of a head whirr!
Our unassuming and humble tour guide Adam introduced himself & then also introduced us to one another (nice touch!). Clearly Adam knew his stuff, telling us a plethora of interesting local titbits throughout the tour. We started at Yarra farm fresh, which is all locally produced fruit, juices, biscuits etc, which we got to taste a few fruits before we could have a nosey around the farm shop.
Next up, Wine Country owned by the De Bortelli people. We heard many stories around this too, but I won’t spoil it incase, dear reader, you decide to embark upon this tour, which I do strongly suggest. We tasted 5 wines of the La Boheme variety & a noble wine which was a multi award winning dessert wine. They have us la delfin double cream decadent Brie like but better cheese that had been impeccably paired with the wines, somehow morphing the flavour of the wine to even deeper and richer flavours. Opportunity to purchase a wide variety of wines, but no pressure put on at all! I didn’t buy any and no one batted an eyelid.
By this time, our little group was bonding and the size of the group for this event was totally perfect. Next, Yarra Valley dairy where they let us sample 4 cheeses. My fave was a firey chilli coated one which was also Adam’s personal fave! I must add, the scenery was so green, luscious & idyllic inbetween the places we visited too, and not too much bus time either, which is always good.
We then made our way to Rochford winery to taste yet more wine & have a first class lunch. Hubby had a 16hr melt in the mouth best I’ve ever eaten beef blade, and I had a filo pastry veg tart with a bit of cheese on, just incase I hadn’t had enough! I had total food envy and my lovely husband split our lunches so we went half and half. I heard one guy was left a bit hungry still so if you have a massive appetite, could be worth bringing some crisps for the bus? I felt it was enough, but hey 🙂 They also accommodated for a lady with special dietary needs. This was a great chance for us to get to know our bus family for the day, and a really fun lady from Beijing, and a couple from Perth were sat near me, who were lovely company. Wow, & this places gardens were also stunning…. a feast for the eyes and the belly!
We drove onwards to another winery called Yeering Station gardens and wineries, to try some more wine!! This is feeling like the best birthday, and although missing friends and family back home, these guys really did their best to step in. I even got a lil rendition of Happy Birthday on the bus. We had a fun game of cheering every time we crossed the river, and I think I successfully won the ‘lets deafen the tour guide’ medal! (Sorry Adam, any chance to shout or sing, and I’m in!)
Last but not least! Yarra Valley chocolaterie & I cant believe my luck. MORE free tasting! The flavours were creative and mainly tasty, a few plain odd, but still good to try, as someone liked each and every wacky flavour (the chia and mandarin was my personal fave). My oh my what a garden this place had. Alpacas, wine orchards, rolling mountains, ahhhh it could just make you burst with joy! So we are on our way back home & the sincerity & genuine enjoyment that our lovely guide Adam enthuses to us, really shines. What lucky people we are to have such an exceptional guide!

By cat

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