Mount lofty botanical gardens

mount lofty botanical gardens
So after the drink run we set out into the botanical garden, a series of gully and very steep hills. We take some pictures by the lake, it seems that the Aussies try to stay in the shade but we venture out. So many pretty flowers and huge trees!

We walk up what can only be described as a mountain, up to where there a large number of eucalyptus trees. The scent in s very strong and we spent some time looking for koalas, alas we couldn’t find any ..

We headed into a more dense forest area, keeping an eye out for snakes and creepy crawleys, we encounter a number of sprinklers, we did our best to avoid the first one but there was so many that we realised we were going to get soaked! The respite from the heat was good and it was a great laugh!

We walked a really long way and back to the car. Apart from the picnic areas we saw very few people, the place was absolutely immaculate ! Awesome times !

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