Morning, Christie’s Beach

Morning, Christie’s Beach
Over 40 degrees today so I have found us a selection of coastal places to visit. We head off in Ash & Courtney’s little Toyota, and give the home recorded CD a go. It’s a chap who sings very frilly cover songs, going higher than falsetto I’m sure. Leon and I are having great fun squealing along, singing along to Love yourself by Bieber with ruder lyrics 😀
First stop is Christie’s Beach. I keep reading it as Christine’s Beach, and thinking lots about our Christine at DW Roberts as it would be a year since she retired about now, and thinking how her untimely passing shook us all to the core and probably was one of the big catalyst for my realisation that retirement is not guaranteed and to live for now a bit more. The start of the seed in my mind that I need to get doing more. So Christine, this day is dedicated to you, my dear, and your dry wit & loving heart.
I am sat currently in a cafe listening to Leona Lewis crooning Keep Bleeding love and trying not to well up (and failing). I have a lemon and ginger tea in front of me in a beautiful French shabby chic style cafe called Flava, with views of the bright blue green sea lapping across the golden sands, terracotta cliffs frame the edge of the perfect picture of Christine’s Beach. The sky is full of pretty wisps of cloud and the air is close and warm, like a hug from a thousand loved ones. The cafe has a CD on with the saddest songs on ever! Stop it already! Time to trot on…

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