cudlee creek pt 3 – koala love

cudlee creek pt 3
The koala hold was included in the ticket of a mere $17! Needless the say, the queue was huge! We were about a 1/4 of the way, thanks to Nanny Carol and co holding the line for us. We only waited half hr until we were holding the koala, but looking at the maths, those koalas are working far too hard! They do this hold 3x a day. We were told at cairns, port douglas, wildlife habitat that koalas live 10yr less in captivity and should only be awake 17 min a day. So although I feel bad contributing to their early deaths, oh my gosh this one was amazing to hug. She was a girl and didn’t smell or scent me like the last one, and we actually got to stroke her. The fur is thick and soft. Such an amazing experience.

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