Landed in Sydney

Landed in Sydney
Wow this place is hot, lively & gorgeous! Just like me (joking!). I am really happy to be in a local micro brewery called Pumphouse, enjoying a glass of wine in the air conditioning. Getting pumped for NYE tomorrow but kinda sad we won’t be with our tradition of doing New Years predictions with Paul & Soph. When we get back, we have a lot of catching up to do!
So we left Adelaide at 8am this morning, with Carol & Tony’s neighbour Bernie who is from Oundle, right near our home town! He is a cool guy and we have a good old chat with him in the car. He refuses to take petrol money so we slip a 20 into his dashboard. It can be his emergency money.
We were delayed aaaaages from Adelaide, and appreciated Soph’s quip of ‘delayed in Adelaide’ (future lyric!).
Well after such an amazing time, and such incredible hospitality from the Ballard seniors, it has big boots to fill!

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