New Years Eve

New Years Eve
Thinking about the last year, well, I think we have done quite a lot really. Packed it in. I have done a bit of a skeleton round up.
It’s been progressive, travel-ly, lots of learning, ever changing, and surprising myself.!
So starting with Jan ‘17, we kicked off with Leon’s birthday trip to Edinburgh and enjoyed kareoke & exploring with Lisa & Brent, then onwards to the glowing glory of Rome.
Christine passed away far too soon, very suddenly after her retirement at 65, and shook many of us up in many ways, grieving for the life she should be enjoying & thinking how cruel life can be. But trying to keep our chins up, as she would insist! Thinking of her family.
Loads of landmark birthdays, Aunty Moo had her 50th, Clo her 30th, Will 21st, Mum, Mumsy in law, & Dad Ann 60th, Leon passed his driving, my youngest bro John came to work for me, we used our won trip to the cold & beautiful Budapest, we made a bit of music, & videos at Dragon Heart studios, I went to Tate Modern & Woman in Black with Linds, a trip to Strasbourg & Malaga double bill, met my match in the adorable Naomi & had lots of fun with her and the Inkantations crew, Cousin Tate & his man Adam had a touching wedding on Kensington Rooftop, we enjoyed Tenerife with my folks, Great Aunt Josie & Great Uncle John passed away, Kiki & Tim fiancéd with us in the hot tub, we nearly moved house then decided to sell & go round the world, we house sat & also looked after many wonderful pets, Jack & Fred, Bella, Raz, Monkey & Finn, Bella & Vinny, Crystal & Reiki, Tuta, Diva, Alyx, & Ray. Now in Sydney ready to watch fireworks, after a long route across the world via Mumbai, Sri Lanka, Kuala Lumpur, North Vietnam, Singapore, Gold Coast, Cairns & Melbourne… I snorkelled and kayaked and went in a seaplane for the first time… phew! 2018, you are gonna have to pull out all the stops to out do this year! We have a few bits planned, but mainly plan to do what feels good. We will be going to Hawaii & San Fran to finish the World Lap, cat sitting again, living on a cattle farm, have a trip to Baden-Baden & Malta planned at Easter, we will get to celebrate Kiki & Tim’s love, and I’m sure lots more!
So here’s to 2018. May you bring kindness, happiness, health, & laughter.

The only thing I will add, is the disappointment that Aussie’s don’t do Auld lang syne!!! We had our champagne, & I crossed my arms after the strike of midnight, and…. nothing! They watched the display, the sky got so smokey you could barely see any night, and then off they trotted back to their flats! We pondered the ridiculous amount of money and pollution caused too, and wonder if this is really the best way to enjoy NYE… but hey, we’ve done it now.

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