Time travelling to Honolulu

Time travelling to Honolulu
So after a slightly annoying flight with some kid kicking my chair & the Dad being an arrogant b*stard who thought he was a cut above, we time travelled into Honolulu! It doesn’t feel half as weird as it sounds, but I am a bit grouchy having no sleep, hungry, and very disorientated. But we make it through the veery long customs process, as only one person on the counters and taking his sweet time. I try to zone out and pretend I’m dead while the time passes. Leon is chattering to try and keep the spirits up & pass time bless him, but I just want silence, so we were on slightly different wave lengths. We make our way to the beach, via a trolley bus, where I then have a sleep (9am waikiki time) on a lounger and wake up to some delicious (and cheap!) sushi that leon has sourced. This place is busy, beautiful, chilled out and we both are in love with it, now in a head space to absorb where we are! Leon went into the sea & cut his foot on something sharp in the water, and the lifeguards are so chilled, as he’s dripping blood! We asked round for a plaster and no one had any! We wrapped a tissue round it and went to find some ‘band aids’.

We watch a free Hawaiian dance/ music show & I think of the groups I danced with back in Northampton & it feels good. Little pieces of connection are very satisfying somehow. We bought a Hawaiian Xmas dec for Linds from a shop very near where this photo was taken

We settle in for the sunset with ‘the beaches best mai tai’ and a sense of euphoric bliss and gratitude fits right into my heartspace.

Sending lots of love and peace waves across the world to my friends and family, and anyone else who needs it. I have become a bit hippified (moreso!) but hey, can only be a good thing. I manage to do my first day of Yoga journey ‘true’ with Adriene on a towel, a tiny bit tipsy, and feel pretty dang pleased with myself as I hop in the crisp aqua sheets, the changing soft multicoloured fairy lights surrounding the bed, and the hummm of the air con. Perfect ending to a not so perfect start!

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