8.1.17- Pearl Harbor and flight to San Fran

So our last day in Hawaii!! Sad to be leaving here. But determined to make the most of our last half day before making our way back.
Pearl Harbor is a funny old place. Educational, if rather biased. But seeing the gift shop with the bomber planes and fish with guns hats etc, just seemed ghastly and poor taste. The equivalent to having a shirt with ‘I survived twin towers’ complete with some building shaped deeli- boppers on. Something a bit fishy about all those Japanese bomber planes making it 4000 miles undetected. War is just so sick. I really respect and am grateful to all the military, but sometimes they just shouldn’t be put in that position to be giving up their lives, health and family, so some fat cats can get richer or whatever unimaginable horror that is desired. All very crooked.
I did get a beautiful white gold ring with maile leaves on that will be used as my wedding ring, after my one that was redesigned ended up fitting my right hand better. The lady ‘gifted’ us an oyster too, which had two beautiful peach pearls in! She seemed to think that meant we would be having twins. Well first thing I have heard about it haha! We just smiled politely, thinking ‘what the actual f*ck!’.
We headed to get a taxi who wouldn’t take us as the journey too short, no WiFi to get an Uber, and the bus wait felt like forever! When it did come, they wouldn’t give change, so we gave $20 for a $3 journey. Painful but we had no choice. The travel today hasn’t gone so smoothly…. Bit of a mare trying to get to San Fran. We were delayed as someone was sick before take off and they had to turn back from the taxi to the runway… and then a woman complained that she wanted the seat cleaning. We waited ages and the cleaning team didn’t come, so the pilot did it. Now we needed to top up on gas as been waiting too long!!
Well after an unnecessary 2hr delay, and very disgruntled passengers, the lady who was forced to not travel for throwing up, the woman who had complained they needed a cleaner and then when it took so long, said to cancel the cleaner, but the jobsworth flight attendant said computer says no, and baby screeching, echoing how we all felt inside. Hahaha! But a beautiful sunset from the delay, so every cloud and all that!

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