9.1.18 pm: Leons birthday evening

It is sooooo hilly here!

We googled bars nearby to go celebrate Leon’s birthday & found a few contenders. The first was called ‘rock bar’ and the people were all individually sat, staring at their phone screens & sports on the TV, ruining any ambiance they could have created with the dimly lit, moody paintings, and quirky furniture. Miserable shoe gazer music on, that I had never heard before. The bar tender was a bit frosty, so we just drank up and moved on.

The next place was called Benders.

Playing local San Francisco version of Metallica and a much better vibe. We were so relieved to have found somewhere. We tucked into some whisky & cokes, and bought what can only be described as mini potato croquettes with chilli on top. The chefs Jake & Shane were really friendly and bought leon & I a birthday drink and sketched down an itinerary for us. It was an aniseed shot (massive shots in SF!) chased by ginger ale.

It all ended very messily, & I have had a memory blank and can’t remember any more of the night after eating … I counted all my fingers and teeth this morning & all present and correct. I am now tee total anyway. Never again! I couldn’t leave the apartment yesterday and barely ate a thing. What a waste! But hey, it was in the true SF spirit! I’m just glad to be alive and not in jail.

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