San Fran – Cat

9.1.18 San Fran – Cat
After our most hideous flight to date, we got to Oakland Hilton. They were very kind and upgraded us, gave us free breakfast & WiFi, as Leons birthday. The bed was sooooo comfy and we slept very well that night/ morning. When we woke, we waited for the UPS delivery of a gift I made Leon that was delayed from Mudslides. It arrived at 12.30 and we got an Uber into the main city. What first struck me was the banner ‘hello marijuana, goodbye stress’. I thought, ok maybe it’s a graffiti poster, and someone is protesting. Nope, it’s legal here. And 90% of folks seem high as a kite. Im not sure how I feel, as it seems a lack of control. Dope the public and they are more compliant.
My friend & old lecturer/ colleague Jay from City & Islington College, sent me a map of where to go/ avoid. We started with Boudoin, a sour dough bakery on Pier 39 of fisherman’s wharf. We missed breakfast but had some clam soup in a fresh sourdough. So hearty! Just what we need for this temp drop to 12 degrees or so. We go to see the sea lions which have plonked themselves in the harbour, atop some wooden creates. Over 100 sea lions barking and stinking. Quite a sight to behold! There is a very keen chap at the sealion rescue centre who tells us all about the differences between seals and sea lions and how the plastic waste is affecting everything. I am shocked and horrified, and think Theresa May has missed a trick with quite a large point of bioaccumulation. This is molecular level plastic that has broken down in the sea being eaten by tiny weenie fish. Fish, like humans can’t break down plastic, and store it. The bigger fish eat the smaller fish in greater quantities, and by the time it gets to our plates, the toxicity is enough to be causing disease of epic proportions. The cheap plastic lining ready meals and drinks bottles also leaches those particles into our food and drink supply. Holy F*ck we need to STOP using straws, plastic bags and drinks bottles made of this stuff. Metal bottles, canvas bags, and refuse the straw! Please! We can’t deny it any more. If you can’t do it just for the animals in the ocean, tap into the need for survival of yourself.
We have a mammoth walk to Goodwills a thrift shop to get some warmer garb. Google maps has now twice taken us straight through the dodgiest bits. The map that Jay gave said to a valid/ take caution around an area called Tenderloin. You guessed it. A man spanking a woman in the gutter surrounded by needles. You couldn’t make this up. The thrift shop was amazing though. It helps people less fortunate get jobs and have some stability. Hats off!

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