San Francisco 0901 daytime

We headed over to Fisherman’s Wharf from our hotel in Oakland (a Hilton, nice place if a bit dated) to grab some lunch while we await our Airbnb to be ready.

We head over to Boudin, a place recommended by one of Cats friends. It’s a rugged cafe diner place, they don’t have the cheery service like in Hawaii. We both choose the Clam Chowder soup in a Roll, we both enjoy it, San Francisco is acclimatising us to cooler weather and the warm wholesome soup hits the spot.

After lunch we have a walk around the pier and follow the signs for the sea lions. It’s rather bizarre, a number of floating wooden structures crammed with sea lions. They’re a rather noisy bunch but seem to be having a good time! We then get a talk from a conservation dude, bottom line is that plastic is bad for everybody and it gave some food for thought.

Shivering in my summer gear we asked the guy where to buy clothes from, he suggests it’s pretty expensive and that’s where the idea to go to a thrift store comes from!

Being as there was no WiFi we set off in the direction of Goodwills thrift shop. It’s not far but the walk is brutal! Up huge hills, down little ones , then up 300 steps ! We stopped off to get a drink, I had a diet Dr Pepper, better in the US! We finally arrive at Goidwills, this place is huge!

The clientele is a mixture of hipsters and less financially furnished people – I honestly don’t know which camp we belong in! Cat finds me some trainers and jeans , cat picks up a dress, shoes and a coat! All for $40 , nice!

By this time (the place was massive as above, and if we had a suitcase I think Cat would been in there till closing time!) our Airbnb was ready, only issue is our feet hurt and we’re rather tired from all the walking.

I found a close-ish McDonald’s we head over that way to use their WiFi.

Before we set out in the morning, Cat said that her friend said DO NOT GO TO TENDERLOIN (it’s a place not a steak)

So, completely unaware that the google map route took us straight through Tenderloin, oops! If it wasn’t for the homeless people surrounded by hyperdermic needles and pimpy types we wouldn’t have known ….

We eventually got to McDonald’s and get an Uber, phew! We arrive at our accommodation and take about 5 minutes trying to get in , too many locks/keys!

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