Casino Royale

Casino Royale
We awoke at an alarmingly early hour, and Leon tried his best to get me out of bed. It was a bit cold in our room and I was very comfy! Coaxed our of my feathery cocoon by the promos elf breakfast (or fruhstuck in German!), we bumbled downstairs to the enjoy the restaurant. We did stand there a good ten mins, as nobody was at the podium with the notice badly translated, announcing ‘STOP- we are there to entrance you’. When a family of Germans just waltzed right in, we tagged along after them, and no consequence occurred, so happy days!
We walked into town after breakfast, in seeking of a charger adapter, as both phones now out of juice due to all the photo taking. I spotted the Kurhaus (casino), and did my own share of dragging spouse to a place said spouse didn’t wish to be! It is a beautiful, ornate, breathtaking facility, designed with the utmost precision with the sole aim to extract cash from some wannabe big wigs, and also actual big wigs. The first room is the Austrian palace room, adorned in gold gilt, porcelain Venus statues, and cherubs aplenty. The guide was in German, and my German was no where near good enough to understand the explaination of the French roulette table and the fact grand events take place here. I got the occasional number she said, and the word expensive, but the rest was lost on me.
The next room was in florentine fashion with dark dramatic walls, and shimmering mosaics, aptly named the hall of a thousand candles due to the mahoosive chandeliers. More roulette tables. We continued on to see the Madame pompadour themed roulette training room, and the red hall, that had Grand tilted golden mirrors, that looked as though it would fall off the wall, red silken material walls, more French renaissance style chandeliers, and of course, roulette tables.
At this point, I’m kinda feeling like I’m in a super elaborate boutique ‘room themed’ hotel, + roulette tables! We move forwards into a distinctly purple and black, colder poker and black jack room, where I understand from the German guide that they don’t make as much money from these games and they are not so expensive, or nicht ser teuer’. (Shout out to the app Duolingo, that I have expanded my German vocabulary on!).
We head back to the reception, where the guide says bye to everyone but us. Ooooh kay then! Obviously thinking we are a bit of an annoyance, but they took our money happily enough for the tour!
We continue onwards for a stroll around the town, and our search for an adapter.

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