2 flatter days

2 flatter days
22.3.18- after such a mammoth day yesterday, we both decide to take it much easier on our last day in Baden Baden. So we have a lay in, trundle into town, mosey round some shops, and eat yummy pretzels! My back is playing up a bit, I think from the merc seats. They don’t have lumber support and were more like bucket, hugging, race seats. But not complaining, as it was a very smooth ride, just paying for it today.
23.3.18- we are flying to Malta today for our second half of the trip. We go down to breakfast and get nicely full (I have toasted rye bread, scrambled egg, & smoked salmon, and Leon has more fried things). We have a zip up clear back that we have taken round the whole world for our liquids. But no. It’s not good enough for the Baden Baden airport luggage scanners. So we have to buy more stupid little plastic bags. What a waste and environmentally irresponsible thing to insist. Oh well.
After a few hours, we land in Malta, and it is raining. Looks pretty similar to where we just left off from, but a bit less tree-ey. Off to get the rental car.l from Goldcar. Firstly, she gets my back up by not letting Leon be the driver, as was booked in my name (she had taken no details at this point). Then gives me a contract to sign. Says €1100 excess for collision/ damage and while I’m reading, I can overheat the man next to me getting very irate upon bringing his car back and thinking he had insurance but the excess not being explained. So I ask the silent, tapping assistant to explain this. She gets very shirty and says it is stated on the form we booked that this is the case. Now, I will add, the car rental was £32 for 5 days. Very reasonable. The insurance to get rid of that waiver is £109. While I continue reading, another man comes in with a warming engine light and gets directed to an email address. I don’t feel entirely comfortable with Goldcar’s level of customer service. The counter assistant by now is huffing, head in hands, and telling us to hurry up as people with babies are in the queue(?!?) What that has to do with me, I have no idea. There are 5 attendants at the counter, so not as if too big an issue that Leon & I want to have a chat, considering! She can’t let us leave and have a coffee and think about it, or the computer will generate a €69 cancellation fee. FFS! Leon begins to lose his cool a bit, as this ill mannered, yet bullish and aggressive lady is still putting the pressure on to sign. Eventually, we pay the extra, and she apologises to me if she came across aggressive. Ooookay! Welcome to Malta!
On the plane, the man sat with us told me to drive defensively as people of Malta have no use for indicators on the road and can’t navigate a roundabout for toffee. I witness this pretty quickly but just drive steadily with my wits about me.
We get to the green grove guest house. The room is bright and airy, and the family that own it are friendly and helpful with information.
We have a stroll about the area, a bite to eat (the food here is amazing!) and go back to get a early night, as we were up early to fly. We lay and watch a programme about a British journalist taken hostage in Sudan on National Geographic. The noise from the bar below is really loud. But it’s only 9pm and it’s friday night. The bed is uncomfortable, lumpy with a plastic mat under the sheet which crinkles with every move and makes your skin sweat. The room is freezing, so a weird sensation of sweaty from sheet but cold. The window is leaking and rain is slowly dripping onto the tiles. It’s now 2:20am and the noise downstairs has finally gone. Shouting, slamming, chanting songs. Urgh! Been a hideous night. Here’s to tomorrow being better and hopefully finding another place to stay.
The photo below is of the Swiss Alps, where you can’t quite tell what is snow, and what is cloud. The peaks remind me of cream whipped and stood up as peaks on a Black Forest gateaux, sprinkled with dark chocolate powder.

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