The final day and trying so hard to keep positive!

The final day and trying so hard to keep positive!
We are going home! But not for another 13 hours… BOO!!! I’m so glad I brought the flight forward (Thanks Katie & Tim for the warning!) I’m so grateful to be able to go travelling lots, and we have had some really amazing moments this trip, but I think we have had a rough time in Malta.
After a lovely breakfast at the Maritim (I made my own makeshift version of smoothie bowl, but used different flavour yoghurts, muesli, and seed/ fruit toppings), we go to Lidl. Yes Lidl. Rock and flipping roll. A horrendous journey there, naturally), with yet more of the same pig ignorance, no indicators used, and what’s a lane again? BUT plus flooded roads, and we arrive in one piece, a few swear words lighter. We pick up a few bits for lunch to tide us over as this hol has ended up costing quite a bit more than anticipated, and sit in the car park for a bit, chatting and I also had to put my mooncup, in as discreetly as one can in the backseat of a small car, coat hung up at one window. This faithful trusty mooncup, it has been round the whole darn world. Literally. I love it so much. Revolutionary. And saving the planet while I’m at it.
So we realise we can’t really spend 13 hours in Lidl carpark. McDonalds! Yes. Let’s go get a coffee and some water. And a petrol station is there too, so double whammy. As I am just putting in the next location into sat nav, tap tap on the window. ‘Move, people are waiting.’ Says some abrupt attendant. There were loads of pumps free and it had only been 30 seconds. FFS. Whatever, no problem. We go to a place called the blue grotto. It’s raining and looks more murky grey. But still, seas a seas a sea! Gotta love a bit of sea air. A gorgeous bit of coast line. We go to a really pretty quaint old town, all in shades of cream, somewhere beginning with Sieg, near the airport, lots of religious paraphernalia and Mary statues/ crosses in peoples’ gardens. The sun has popped out again, although still gusty.
It gets to 5.30pm and we decide to take the car back incase any beef. (Not sure why I would think that!) it’s not due in until 7.30pm. A cocky looking short man with mirrored top gun style fashion approaches. He checks the petrol and asks if any problems. I tell him about the scuff in the carpark. He gets a bit shitty and Raises his voice, saying we should have reported the crime (!!!) at the scene and should have contacted the police and called them straight away. I told him my phone can’t call over here and it was on the way to the car rental, so he can take this as us reporting it. Nope. He insists. We have to go and get a police report. Luckily we were there 2hr early and had time to visit the police station. The police couldn’t believe the ridiculousness, and said, is that all you are here for? But obliged to write the report. Another tip to avoid ladies and gentlemen, GOLDCAR car rentals Absolute scam artists. We didn’t have to go to the scene,, the police explained, and my top gun friend also had the cheek to re-check the petrol! He was just giving us the run around, as would have been a €40 fine if brought car back late (he didn’t realise we were so early and was telling us we didn’t have time to get to the police or they would fine us) and big fine if petrol not full too. He just loved giving us bad news and told us we wouldn’t be covered etc etc. What an absolute bunch of see you next tuesdays. Made life as difficult as possible. We paid the flipping extra so we wouldn’t have trouble if any scrapes! And what ‘crime’?? Crimes against a bloody wall?!?
Anyway, I kept super calm and just did what he requested, and it completely baffled him and pissed him off when we were able to show him the police report. Ha!
Leon and I are so relieved and it’s now 6.30pm and we head into the airport to a strange mock English pub called Fat Harry’s, logo depicting Henry the 8th sloshing down a pint. Leon has a pink of local Cisk (said ‘chisk’) low carb beer, and I have a G&T, to celebrate not having punched anyone in the face!

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