Bosnia – a retrospective view

We found the Bosnians to be quiet, humble, frank, a little wary, hospitable, and still finding their feet. Later that evening, we watch a few YouTube clips to see what happened in Bosnia. I was totally overwhelmed watching the BBC documentary about ‘the war in Bosnia.’ No wonder they are wary and finding their feet. They felt totally abandoned by all other countries, while under attack from previous allies.

After a few clips of Bosnian civil war, Leon & I have a fairly in depth chat about how lucky we are and privileged. Not to have been shelled the hell out of at some time in our lives! And there was a particular woman who went and fetched the injured and dead into her makeshift hospital. What a hero. And the surgeons and Drs working under stifling conditions in the local over subscribed hospital (a target for the Croat army’s bombs!!!). Hard to believe only 25yr ago. War surely does show the best and worst in human nature.

It is a city with divided religious views, although people seem to all get on from the outsiders view. It is hard to imagine the peril and suffering the people of Mostar and Bosnia have endured.

The Stari Most bridge after damage from the wars

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