Croatia- planning the day ahead

A map to show our planned route over the next few days
A map to show our planned route

I woke pretty much every hour last night. I have never slept on anything quite so lumpy. I guess that shows how privileged I am really, but hey, my body is complaining. Leon is also really stiff to my surprise. Normally, being bloke shaped, he can cope far better with a lumpy bed. No heavy hips to contend with. But I had a secret weapon! I can sleep on my back, so I could alternate between two positions. We go to breakfast, again a buffet. It’s soooo busy and we struggle to find a table. Neither of us are very hungry due to the colossal amount eaten last night. But it’s included, so we feel we should at least try! (Silly in hindsight!). It’s quite a German breakfast with mini wurst, plasticky textured eggs and cheese. I get myself a satsuma and a coffee. We chat about what to do today. It was going to be Split but 5hr in one go is quite a lot. Our dear friend Paul suggested Mostar in the neighbouring Bosnia, so after a bit of a Google of the images of the Stari Most Bridge, that’s it decided. A 2.5hr drive and we also in the direction of Split so we decide we will stay over night somewhere, wherever we end up. Exciting! Another country to explore for a day too.

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