Croatia – Dubrovnik Evening & a co-incidental meeting!

It’s like a labyrinth in here, tiny alleyways of varying steepness, seemingly blocked off, and then as you near, the turning becomes apparent,l. The city walls had closed, but that did not ruin our experience. I was wondering what these streets had seen. Other than the obvious of a great big film set! We emerged from an alley, and a group of Indian stags (people, not animals!) asked Leon to take there photo on the steps I recognised as the part in GOT that Cersei goes her walk of shame! Cool! We get a tapon the shoulder & a Manchester accent says, I thought I recognised you! It’s the couple we met in the hotel briefly. Fancy a beer? So we amble down the steps with our new found unnamed friends and the guys says they know a lovely bar down one of the side streets. I ask their names and they are Steve and Julie, Steve lives in Durham, and Julie in Sunderland. Steve is a real life geologist and Julie a physics teacher. These are definitely my sort of people! We have a great chat over a little alcohol and enjoy discovering each other’s journeys thus far, both on holiday and in life. They really sound interested in our world tour, so we enjoyed telling them about our 2 month experience, and they dip in with tales of what they have seen in each country too. We get onto poverty, Brexit, racism, kids and it doesn’t all go pear shaped. It’s always good when you can talk openly with people you have only just met about such strong subjects. I’m really not one to just have light jibber jabber though. We head back and share a taxi to the hotel and it’s 8.45pm. They head to the beach for another beer, and we dig into the buffet half board meal we have included.

We got in the restaurant buffet at about 8.45pm and it closed at 9, but still loads of people getting food. We had rushed back from Dubrovnik so we could get our half board dinner and had a back pack with us/ hadn’t dressed up. We got a plate of food & go to sit down and a Male waiter said ‘ you can’t sit here, made for breakfast’. Ok so where do we go. He points us to the other end. We oblige. Go to sit down again and another older Male said we can’t sit there. I said this is the 2nd time we have been moved, and Leon said where should we sit? Then this older skinny waitress comes over, and says abruptly show me your card! (Room card to say we are allowed to eat in there). She huffs and puffs, and says something to some other guests and shrugs at us. Really humiliating and rude. Leon says sarcastically do you want us to eat in our room then? And she said no, sit. We are both fuming and eat silently for a few mins, and then go to find her. She steps out and I ask her name and explained she spoke to us inappropriately and caused embarrassment. She said Maryann, and started jabbering away about how she thought were in for cold meat and I literally had no idea what she was on about, but she was submissive and smiling, and I’m not sure she really understood. So Leon properly laid it down, saying she was rude and disrespectful, and if we hadn’t of come and said something, she would have thought nothing of the way she treated us. She started apologising, and Leon said no, you are not sorry, you are sorry we have complained, and we are going to write a review and a letter to express our feelings. Then a man came over and she explained to him in Croatian, and he said sorry aswell, but they were just doing there job to inspect our cards. I said, no, it is your job to make guests feel welcome, and if you wanted to look at the card, you do it on entering the restaurant, not aggressively in front of a roomful of guests. And then Leon went off on one again. He was pretty unstoppable!

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