Croatia – the larger Dubrovnik Island in detail

We went for a walk down one of the narrow side streets that had signs for churches and ruins. We started ascending steps, steps, more steps. Getting high, ears pop, we wonder whether to turn back. I was determined to find something so we carry on. It gets steeper and more sheer to the right side of me. A swarm of buzzy things in the bushes, and I do my best to ignore and focus on getting to the top. We reach a cross point and naturally chose the steeper way that says 200m to the St Ivan church. Up we go. Feels longer than 200m of steep large rugged steps. My thighs are burning. We get to the top and I collapse on the well placed bench and my oh my what a view! The whole bay, out now tiny boat, the Croatian coast. And behind me sits atop this colloidal mountain, a ruined church from the 9th century. Really pretty. We have an explore, and notice another ruined church/ house and have a nose around that too. We decide to head back down, as it could take longer getting down, as was steep. It didn’t. However we could appreciate the gorgeous orchards of fruit growing, oranges, lemons, limes, olives. We got back down to the harbour and ordered some ice cream and drinks before boarding the boat again.

For the lunch, I had a bake fish that had been BBQ’d, with sauerkraut and a tomato. During the journey back, a lady informed us that the open sea had become dangerous and we would be getting out just before Dubrovnik at New Port. It was pretty choppy and a did squeak once! So happy to get out on solid land, and legs warmed up from the mountain ascension, we decided to walk to Old City Dubrovnik (45min) and watch the sunset. It was a lovely welcome walk & we eventually got to the thick walls of Old City. It looks exactly like Game of thrones only many more tourists and businesses open to lure you in with tempting smells and shiny objedahh!!

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