A relaxed day and a walking tour

Sunday was not too eventful. Nursing slightly worse for wear heads, eating, and drinking (all soft drinks, bar 1 sangria and I balked a bit). I started a new book called this is going to hurt, a diary style book from an ex-Jr Dr. called Adam Kay. It’s both obsurd, dark as fuck, harrowing and hilarious. My fave genre! So far, the ‘de-gloving’ of an 18yr olds penis as he slid down a rough lamppost was my grossest moment, and the funniest bit, a man who had tried to get a condom over his ballsack too, and was concerned no condoms fit him. Another funny bit was a printer gone mad on a sticker machine, and an unfortunate named patient named ‘Baby Raper’. No one wanted to get a sticker stuck to them by accident!! I didn’t even know Raper could be a surname!! Anyhow.
We went on a walking tour put on by the hotel, and saw the fort from blah blah century and that’s in Cala Egos for anyone who wants to look it up. One of the oldest bits of the area as everything else is pretty much made for tourism. Culture:tick!! Some cool salt rock formations!!

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