A long walk to Porto Petro and beyond

Porto Petro Harbour

After a bit of a ropey start to the morning (Leon has been hurrying me along, and I wasn’t impressed! I call this his sheepdog mode), we set out for a bit of a walk. I’d earmarked Montnado National Park, stopping at Porto Petro Harbour on the way. We had our snorkel masks and a dream!

Snorkelling once more
Gorgeous beach just beyond Porto Petro

The first beach we came to beyond the Harbour was pretty perfect. Hardly anyone there, bar a few topless Germans. In the clear still azure waters, we saw many perch fish, that were quite brave! I had eaten some the previous night!

A beautiful hidden beach, that was unfortunately unswimmable due to seaweed and jellyfish

We managed to rack up nearly 21000 steps!! Phew!!

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