5th trip to Baden-Baden, Day 1

Here we are again! And we used to never go to the same place twice. But this little German town has won a place in our top chill out hide outs. The picturesque Lichtentaller Allee, the soft smell of smoked ham and gluwein and donuts, the cheery twinkly lights. The atmosphere is just so calm but exciting, if that makes any sense! And we always find something new to do or see.
Today, after being rudely awoken by the alarm at 3am, we had a smooth drive to Stanstead, and an even smoother embark onto our Ryan air £27 flight. I was asleep again before the plane lifted, and we were in the Motherland before we knew it. A few buses into the centre, and midday met us leaving our trusty backpacks at reception, and venturing out for lunch. We had some tasty sandwich like things…. kind of like if a baguette and a pretzel had a baby… leon went salami, and I had cheese and egg (who knew!).
We went to our fave ‘Wilkos’ like shop (but the most amazing quality), called DM, and bought some more nail snippers (Nagelknipser in German), and some 65cent lip balm, and a few hair clips. And some shave foam that will be used and left due to size. Again 70cents, it’s daft to try to bring it.
I enjoyed a Lindt hot choc (heisse schokolade) which is the single most delicious thing as a chocolate lover you can experience, without a large bath mounted over a giant candle, filled with molten dairy milk….well I imagine.

We then went for a hunt for a loo & came to Lowenbrau, which I always thought was just a highly decorative Christmas piece, but it’s a hotel, bar and restaurant, and really really lovely inside. Wood walls, adorned with Christmas trinkets that look like something your Nan would have, and the staff dressed in shorts and long socks akin to trad German wear.

Lowenbrau, or a very tiny part thereof. The train is moving

We then made our way back to the Leonardo Royal hotel that we always stay in, and Leon went for a swim, and I had a bath and started a new book (Book of Dust Vol 1 by Pullman…. he’s dedicated ‘To Jude’, which is an uncanny reminder, that the most resilient and kind woman & farmer, Jude passed away 3 days ago, who we stayed at her abode after our ‘world tour’)

I’ve seen no squirrels yet (Einhornchen im Deutch), but I’m holding high hopes. It’s been very foggy/ misty today.
While walking back from the Christmas Markets this eve, I commented everyone walking towards us, looks like ‘the Exorcist’ famous front cover! We had some tartefleutte mit schinken and some Gluwein (I had with schnapps for extra warmth), and Leon declares this his death row dinner. Good plan, say I, as whoever is executing you will have to wait until mid December! Let’s hope that doesn’t ever become a thing anyhoooo!

Along Lichtentaller Allee today… misty mist! Linds & Howard, if you are reading this, you will see I am very much enjoying my birthday scarf already! Thanks so muchos!

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