Christmas time 2020

23rd: We went to Samantha & Simon’s, despite the fact poor Samantha was on antibiotics for a chest infection! Leon discovered he loves steak when cooked by Samantha! She put it with jacket potato, peas, and green beans. We then had some delicious profiteroles from Aldi & Samantha introduced me to the wonders of sherry!

24th: We dropped our nieces gifts off at Leon’s parents, and had a hug with Casper the friendly Rottweiler. He’s so adorable.

Casper sticking his head through Leon’s leg, Leon is smiling at him.

I went in to work to surprise my friend Hayley! She has been so good to me, and really taken me under her wing with my new role of in store trainer, and been such a rock of strength. She is always so kind and sweet to everyone & I really thought the only way I could truly express my gratitude was to relieve her of her work duties for the last bit of the day so she could go home and be with her kids and hubby. I took her upstairs, and told her what was happening, and her lil face, it was so so sweet, the best reaction ever! She had happy tears and gave me the biggest hug. It was honestly one of the best moment of my life, just to see how much it meant to her. The afternoon flew by and it was dead in store. We played eye spy for a bit, and then at 5pm, we left.
Leon picked me up, and we went to the Barley Mow in Paulerspury to see auntie moo, Uncle Si, & Darce. The back restaurant area was just so cosy and warm looking, with their smiling faces, perfect! They had me a beautiful birthday gift of a tea light shade with swallows on. Swallows are a symbol of Grandad Ann on this side of the family.

The swallow tea light shade, beautifully lit up

Who should come through the door but the Beales! Chloe, Matt, Lilly, Archie, and Harry had arrived. Always so good to see them. We had a good old laugh and catch up over some mulled wine.

I’m so annoyed that I haven’t taken more photos over Christmas!

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