Christmas Day 2019

On Christmas morning… going to many family members! We went via Hunsbury to drop a card to Tim & Katie. There was no sign of life, so just slotted it in the door. We then went to my folks for the traditional pork pie breakfast (well I had half a small slice- I had scrambled eggs and smoked salmon on toast, but just wanted to join in!). I bought the pork pie from our local butchers. We watched the Rolfe’s give Max, their dog his first ever Xmas gifts, and he wore many a tissue paper cape!

I had my regular Ferrero Rocher box, and Leon received his fave padded sole socks! The Rolfe’s continued to open all their numerous gifts and had a mountain of tins of biscuits!
We are only doing Xmas presents for little kids in the family this year, for the third year. I find it is very forced and exhausting trying to find everyone you know and care about a gift, then wrap it all, and then have loads of stuff yourself to put away. I prefer to just do birthdays and avoid the madness. Presence with a C! Although this made for quite a hectic day trying to see everyone, but atleast it only dominates 2 days instead of an entire month!

We then popped in a card for Gran’ma and Hazel (I poked my head in for 5 min, I met Philip’s dog Meg), Eileen and Jim (we went in for 10min & had a J2O), and Theresa and Matt (we managed to get to the wrong part of the street … again)!
Then onwards to Nanny & Daddy Ann’s house! We got there about 2pm, and Dad had cooked a turkey crown that was super delicious. They offered to share dinner with us, which was kind. We had never seen them on Xmas day (well, maybe Dad when I was a toddler!), so it was nice to do that & considering Dad is a staunch atheist, and not that comfortable celebrating Xmas, we had a really chilled time. He even opened a bottle of champers for us to share.

The champagne on my Vivino review page

We went via Paulerspury at about 6pm to drop a card into Jill, our lovely cat/ vet friend from trusted housesitters. Tuta, one of the British blues sadly was PTS a few weeks ago, gone way too soon from a cat flu. She was my fave ;(

We couldn’t go into Paulerspury without saying hi to Auntie Moo & Uncle Si, so we knocked on the door and had a lounge about with them for about an hour, and caught up on the days happenings.
Then finally we went home! Man oh man, we slept! A very full day!

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