Betwixmas Road trip

We are going up to experience Hogmanay in our own lil way with Lisa & Brent, and decided to head up today to break the journey at Knowesgate, near Northumberland.
To break that 4hr journey, we stopped in York to see an old buddy, Chel, and meet his 2 very energetic kids Vigo & Jai. We haven’t seen him for about 12yr, so it’s a bit of a spontaneous random, but the stars aligned for us all to be in the same place at the same time! The traffic in York is horrendous and the parking worse. But we were glad for the stop and mini tour by a real Yorkshire man!
We then headed to our £6.96 room in an old damp pub (I had £20 worth of Expedia points, but still cheap!). I mean, you can’t grumble for that price but it was like sleeping on a mouldy heap of springs. Haha! The owner was really lovely though and only been there 6wk so hopefully he invests in it.

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