New year, new book!

Ive just started reading a new book. Brand brand new! Just written, just published! I shouldn’t start yet, as I’m in the midst of Book Of Dust by Pullman, & I have another NYE book ‘Gillead’ that’s been loaned to me by Lisa that is a real good book to call upon gratitude lined up. But this one I saw advertised on Facebook is calling me. ‘Unchained‘ by R.M Soorty. It’s the first book I’ve bought written and about someone I know, & it’s an odd sensation … the book is by an old upper school class mate of mine that I haven’t spoken to in person probably for nearly 20 years, except a brief encounter on the high street when I had embarrassingly misremembered her name, and called her Sabina instead of Rubina. Cringe.
I bought this book for a few reasons: I want to get behind any person I know who is self made, self published. That’s cool, and I dig that. I had casually followed the vlog and blog and it was damn inspiring. I love an adventure, and this story is something a bit different. Female solo inexperienced cyclist travelling round the world after an epiphany! But as I think about starting the book, I have one mini concern… is this a bit nosey or perverse to look upon someone’s deepest thoughts and life lessons? Well, she’s published it, so has something to share & I am grateful for her opening up. ‘Ruby rides on’ , the vlogger became a bit of a hero of mine, and was missed when I couldn’t find it any more (now I know she was making the voyage into a novel!). She is a gutsy adventurer, breaking the societal norms, ignoring the negative comments. It’s beautiful to me. 

So I have got through only the prologue, up to page 6, & am already sobbing for the journey Ruby has been through. Tears of all variety, sadness, excitement, pride, that swelling of knowing someone is going on a journey. And it’s bound to be the ride of her life. With death, there is rebirth, and with birth there is hope. 
Ruby, if you are reading this, I’m so sorry for your loss but also thrilled for your journey and future, I know it’s a weird one & I can’t decide what the appropriate phrase is, so forgive me if that was a bit garbled!

She opened herself up, told life, I’M HERE, & READY FOR CHANGE! 

I am going ahead and ready to read what happened on this adventure. And although it’s already happened, I’m really rooting for you, Ruby. 

Especially as everyone said ‘too dangerous for a female’. Fuck. That. 

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