Hallo again old friend!

So you guessed it, we are back to Baden-Baden for Leon’s birthday. Waking up at the ungodly hour of 3am for the 7.50am from Stansted, nothing of particular craziness happened.
We met a Malaysian dude who was living a life of a wanderer, self employed for his government. It was great to chat to him on our bus from the airport to the train station, and a native German lady with such flawless English, we didn’t realise she was native joined in our conversation too, telling us a little more about Baden-Baden history, and that Baden Wuternberg and Baden has been joined together in the past, and the smaller vicinity of Baden-Baden did not particularly accept that, hence the naming of it twice, just to reiterate the fact they were BADEN, not wuternburg. She explained to our Malaysian friend that Baden Baden is very, very posh and has many Russians. We had established that. One thing about Baden-Baden is it always has an air of incredible relaxation and safety. Early January, has a slightly different vibe. Less fur clad rich, and more regular people. Much less Christmas cheer and the familiar scent of smoked ham and gluwein was missing.
We headed to our hotel to drop off the bags, and our room was free, so I hit the haystack and caught up on a few zzz’s, while Leon went to bake himself in the sauna.
Oh and it’s Leon’s birthday. Easy to forget today, as feels so weird, having opened his gifts and cards last night, and waking early/ travelling half the day.

We went to our previous fave Italian restaurant Rosso Bianco. It’s convenient location however, did not make up for the distinct lower quality in food. We had a great time still, and it was a lovely stroll back.

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