Chefs’ table at the New Inn

Last night, we went on a spontaneous outing with our dear friends Samantha & Simon Clarke.
Stuart, Matt Collins & team at The New Inn in Abthorpe totally blew our minds at their Chefs’ table event. The food was exciting and so thought out, the service was actually incredible (thank you Sarah & co). All the staff were kind, courteous, and a great laugh. Such a lovely evening, & atmosphere, and the chefs coming to meet and greet their guests was so special. We’ve booked up for the next 6 months 🥰 I’ve put a few pics but it doesn’t do the experience justice. We felt really looked after & nourished after (and a bit tipsy!). Can’t wait to see what the next one brings! So lovely to try things you wouldn’t necessarily normally choose & to know the chefs have hand picked the courses, and are enjoying themselves.
Happy Birthday to Ellen from their sister pub too, for booking us all in & suggesting it.

Here is our menu for the event with pictures & description:

The 1st course was ‘Polish Picnic’, with brisket, marinated ham hock, quails egg, piccalilli, sauer kraut, & Romanesque, paired with a chianti
Beetroot and goats cheese ravioli with pumpkin gnocchi and red pesto veloute, served with a white friscato wine
Chicken Shawrma on bijoux vert lentils wheat berry ,roasted tomato eastern Bombay potato, served with a Kenyan beer, ‘Tusker’
Cheese board and port or cherry brandy
Leon, I, Samantha, & Simon, enjoying our final course

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