Chef’s Table at New Inn (9.3.2020)

Oh my gosh, I can’t believe it’s been a month already! I’ve mainly been ill with a virus (not THE virus hopefully! Everyone is going hysterical about COVID-19 Corona virus).

So back to the warmth of the New Inn in Abthorpe, we were greeted with a massive hello and hug by Sarah, the hostess/ waiter. I have since been told her nickname is Sweet. The theme tonight is seafood, and we are all really looking forward to this, since last time was so spectacular. They have raised the bar high for themselves!
We have been reserved the same table number 1, and are given some water and a glass of rose spumante which was delicious and not too sweet.

Paterson Grove Sauvignon Blanc
Course 2: Tempura battered soft shell crab and monkfish on salad verde
Vista Dei Cipressi Chianti
Mackrel on a bed of samfire chowmein
Rainbow sea trout
A posh Jaffa cake
Blue cheese board and port

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