14yr Marriversary

Today’s our 14yr Marriversary. We have a scorcher of a day ahead, and started with exchanging cards and an omelette cooked by Violetta. I’m a bit dizzy from wine and face puffy from the pizza.

Explore paliostafidos beach, gorgeous and so so empty! I’m reading ‘The Wedding’ by Nicholas Sparks (same author/ sequel to the Notebook).

Moni & Heather arrived onto the beach and while Heather went into the water, Moni invited us to proposal planned for tomorrow evening. Leon and I privately agreed we’d rather not do that as he’d booked some flashy restaurant and it seemed a bit hard to just happen to be there! We agreed that it would be far more romantic to pop down to the beach with some wine and keep things much simpler and intimate if that was us and realised we are quite different people to them.
Heather then tried to persuade Moni to have a paddle in the sea and he was having none of it. Just wanted to watch his football. It seemed a bit of a shame to go on holiday and just be glued to your phone especially when it supposed to be special for your future fiancé. 

Flying fish! While swimming in the ocean we saw the most cute little 2inch bluey silver fish in Shoals leaping in arcs clean out of the ocean! Glittering and cascading along the edge of the rocks the sight was just magical.

I got myself a bit sad realising no gifts or plans for anniversary. I’d thought underwear (as Leon had previously asked my new size post weight loss ) or a romantic picnic on beach was coming. This comes from me reading a romance novel, and this is giving unrealistic expectations of real life. So I was being a spoilt brat and pulled myself together. Leon felt bad so went and bought me a red dress from the supermarket nearby, bless him. I just wanted to feel special & hadn’t really bought any nice bits with me, so this was very appreciated.

I realise it’s so much more important to have each other, and the love, loyalty and dependability of Leon, who is not going to do grand gestures, but will always be there and just love me each and every day. 

We ended up going to the beach with a glass of wine each to watch the sunset but I ended up trying to dash back as the dusk midges and mozzies descended upon us, so it’s a good job we didn’t have a picnic haha!  

We went to a very nearby restaurant ‘Kefalos’ and had the most gorgeous food of vine leaves, fried feta with honey and sesame, olives, moussaka and lamb souvlaki, but thought the service lacking. We late found out this is a cultural difference that the Greeks think it’s rude to ask you if you want more drinks! 
Anyhow, it ended up being a really special meal and lovely evening. 

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