Hello again Rhodes… 15yr later.

So it’s our first time out of the UK in a year!

We started by waking at 1am this morning to reach the airport in time for any potential issues with Brexit/ Covid crap! I’ve not really allowed myself to get excited before landing here, and that’s been a strange one… not knowing if something will go wrong in the many capacities it currently can! More added stress and unknowns.

The airport was actually a piece of cake. Quicker than normal (we spent 2hr in Wetherspoons- the bottomless cups of hot drink came in handy!), and in the Greece airport, they didn’t even look at the passenger locator forms/ jab status, and had no random testing or temperature checks! I managed to nap for a few hours on the plane, while Leon had a very enthusiastic Polish ‘snap’ player behind him, slamming cards onto his attached tray… Leon politely turned round and asked what was happening, and the guy said he’s playing a card game called ‘war’… ironic as it felt like bombs going off everytime our white haired man-bunned friend grappled to get the correct stack of cards! Ricocheted the whole line of chairs, so I was treated to some of the aftershock.

We got a bit lost on the way to the car hire place, and a man in a completely different company, called our car hire place and got them to pick us up! Such helpful people that we’ve met.

The car is a Skoda Citigo, Leon’s first go at a manual on the wrong side of the road. Surprisingly, nothing went wrong, even after quite a bit of sleep deprivation.

We made our 55min journey across to Lardos, where we were greeted at Hotel Ellia, a block of Aparthotel that I’d booked on AirBNB by a really sweet and chatty lady called Anastasia and her boyfriend, and Mum who runs the complex and the touristic supermarket attached.

Once unpacked and showered, we head to the beach… Leon braved the icey sea while I try to read a book on my front, but end up falling asleep on my hands, & slobbering all over them! Delightful!

The beach 7 min from our apartment

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